GlobeBackpackers Griffith

Backpacker Hostel


26 Wayeela St, Griffith, New South Wales / ACT.

(02) 6962-3691



GlobeBackpackers Griffith is a working backpackers hostel. The 1 year extention on Visas for working in the country for 3 months has created many oppunities for Griffith as well as for you. There is a variety of seasonal and or primary industry employment available for anyone who wants to take it. As this is a new hostel work can be found for you from various employment agencies locally. In saying that you will need somewhere to lay your tired little heads upon returning from a big day of picking/pruning etc! Our rooms are very comfortable, each with ensuite kitchen and bathrooms which means no queues. Air conditioning - for those extremely hot days.A swimming Pool not even 1 minute up the road and an outdoor BBQ area for beer o'clock!

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Lat: -34.284955 Lng: 146.039177


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