Calliope River South Rest Area



Old Bruce Hwy, River Ranch, Queensland.


Calliope River South is a free 48 hour rest area located off the Old Bruce Highway. This rest area offers toilets and is dog friendly. You can not access the North side from the South side the bridge is closed to vehicle access. Camping is not recommended at the Calliope River Picnic Area if local flood warnings have been issued. Caution is recommended when swimming in the river, as there have been instances of box jellyfish stings. There is no charge to stay at Calliope River Picnic Area. Self-contained travellers are welcome to stay on the North side camp ground, whilst the South side is open to all travellers. It is accessible to tents, RVs, camper trailers, caravans and big rigs. Entry to the south side of the river, if heading north, is the Old Bruce Highway before the river. If heading south go past River Village, over the bridge and turn right at the Old Bruce Highway turn off. Campers should take their own drinking water, as supplied water is untreated bore water and not recommended for consumption. Amenities are cleaned and restocked daily during peak season and every second day otherwise. If toilet paper runs out between services, campers are required to provide their own supplies.

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Lat: -23.961613 Lng: 151.154562


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