Futter Creek



Gladstone-Monto Rd, Barmundu, Queensland.



Futter Creek Camping Reserve is a free rest area located on Gladstone-Monto Rd, about 20km south of Calliope and about 5km north of the Boynedale Bush Camp. There is no charge to stay at Futter Creek Camping Reserve. Maximum stay is 72 hours. The area is regularly patrolled, and penalties apply for exceeding the maximum stay period. Facilities include composting toilets and picnic tables. Amenities are cleaned and restocked regularly. If toilet paper runs out between services, campers are required to provide their own supplies. There are no chemical toilet waste disposal units at the rest area. Chemical toilets must be emptied at a designated dump point, with the closest located at corner of Taragoola Rd and Dawson Hwy, Calliope. Dogs are ALLOWED say the Gladstone Council web site - see photo. 1/9/2021 Only low decibel (dB) generators, up to 2.0 Kva, with a maximum noise level output of up to 65 dB at 7 m are permitted, unless otherwise specified. Generators are only permitted to be operated between 7am and 7pm. You must take measures to minimize the noise and exhaust impact on neighbouring campers.

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Lat: -24.137843 Lng: 151.195693


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